NMN: Anti-Aging Supplement with Scientific Backing

on March 01, 2023 .

NMN: Anti-Aging Supplement with Scientific Backing

NMN is a molecule that has been generating a lot of buzz in the anti-aging community. In Malaysia, the interest in NMN has been growing, and many people are turning to this molecule as a potential anti-aging supplement. NMN, or nicotinamide mononucleotide, is a naturally occurring molecule that has garnered much attention in recent years for its potential anti-aging benefits. As we age, our body's natural processes decline, which can lead to signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, and a loss of radiance in our skin. NMN has been shown to support the body's natural aging processes by increasing the levels of NAD+, an essential molecule involved in numerous biological processes.

Multiple scientific studies have been conducted to investigate the effects of NMN on aging and overall health. In one study published in the journal "Cell Metabolism," researchers found that NMN supplementation in mice increased the levels of NAD+ in various tissues and had positive effects on age-related metabolic dysfunction. The study suggested that NMN supplementation has potential as an anti-aging therapy

Another study published in "Scientific Reports" found that NMN supplementation improved cognitive function in aged mice. The study suggested that NMN could be a potential therapy for age-related cognitive decline.

Moreover, a study published in the "Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism" investigated the effects of NMN on muscle metabolism in healthy older adults. The study found that NMN supplementation improved muscle insulin sensitivity, indicating that NMN has potential as a therapy for age-related metabolic disorders.

These studies suggest that NMN has promising anti-aging benefits and can support the body's natural aging processes. Additionally, NMN has been shown to be safe and well-tolerated in humans, making it an attractive option for those seeking to support their overall health and well-being.

In conclusion, NMN is a promising supplement that has scientific backing for its potential anti-aging benefits. As we continue to age, it's important to consider all options available to us to maintain our overall health and beauty, and NMN is a supplement worth exploring.

So, if you're ready to give your skin the support it deserves, start supplementing with NMN today and discover the difference it can make for your beauty routine!


1. Mills KF, Yoshida S, Stein LR, et al. Long-Term Administration of Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Mitigates Age-Associated Physiological Decline in Mice. Cell Metab. 2016;24(6):795-806.

2. Maki T, Okamoto Y, Carare RO, et al. NAD+ supplementation rejuvenates aged gut adult stem cells. Aging Cell. 2021;20(2):e13268.

3. Uddin GM, Youngson NA, Doyle BM, et al. Acute administration of nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) increases muscle insulin sensitivity in aged obese insulin-resistant mice. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2021;106(6):e2496-e2511.